The RAGE project -Realising an Applied Gaming Ecosystem- is creating a technology and know-how transfer mechanism to accelerate innovation and growth of Applied (Serious) Games studios throught Europe. Exemplary RAGE pilot cases demonstrate new approaches, methods and tools to support social and educational stakeholders at reducing EU labour market mismatches, by using Applied Gaming solutions for speeding up the creation of a modernised skilled workforce.

RAGE enables deploying new approaches, methods and tools that support social and educational stakeholders at reducing huge EU labour market mismatches, by using Applied Gaming solutions for speeding-up the creation of a modernised skilled workforce. The sustainability of this market innovation is fostered by the transfer of advanced technologies and know-how to accelerate growth of the EU Applied Game studios ecosystem and secure a competitive supply of skills building gaming products and services.
Developing and validating industry wide solutions has been possible through an end-to-end multidisciplinary approach to the entire Applied Games value chain. Actors include knowledge providers (researchers), technology providers (component developers), solutions developers (game studios) and intermediate and end users (schools, universities, corporate trainers), all being represented in RAGE.
To take advantage of the fruitful opportunities of this growing industry, the RAGE project helps to seize these opportunities and advance industrial leadership and innovation by delivering to Applied Games studios:
- An interoperable set of advanced technology assets tuned to applied gaming,
- Proven practices of using asset-based applied games in various real-world contexts,
- Centralised access to a wide range of applied gaming software modules, services and resources,
- An online social space that facilitates collaboration that underlie progress and innovation,
- Workshops and online training opportunities for both developers and educators
- Assets-based business cases supporting industry at seizing new opportunities, and
- A business model and launch plan for exploiting RAGE results beyond project´s duration.
The gaming technology assets gathered along the project lifecycle are tested and evaluated by gaming companies integrated in the RAGE consortium. These companies are creating games that are empirically validated in real world pilots in different application scenarios representing different markets and target groups for the Applied Games industry.